Octave for Mac Installation

MacOctave, Octave for OS X Download.

Welcome. You are looking to install Octave on the Mac, without pain. You are in the right place. With the installer you can download below you will get a very usable Octave system in about 20 minutes, provided you have a broadband connection. 

This software works with High Sierra, too. If you have an issue, please send me an email! There is a new bug which stops plotting, but I will email the bugfix to you when  you donate. 

edmundronald at gmail dot com

And please, please, TIP ME!  $10 individuals, $5 students, and $50 for companies.


I will be really thankful if you donate, and donations will help me maintain this software, and in particular get you the bugfix which enables plotting! 

The release of Octave which will be installed at the moment is 4.2.2  A folder containing instructions and the necessary files is available for download. There is nothing to type, all you need to do is click. 

WARNING:You may hit a Vagrant Installation BUG. SEE HERE FOR DETAILS

BTW, if the Barista at Starbucks deserves a tip, don't you think I do too? Hit that Donate link, I really appreciate it ... if you are an individual user, $10 would be nice, $5 if you are a student, $50 if you use this for work.

If you need help you can comment below or shoot me an email, but do remember that tipping me keeps me happy, people who donate get faster responses and better handholding and problem solving. I will send you an email with the bugfix that enables plotting as soon as you donate. My email is edmundronald at gmail dot com.



  1. Hi Edmund,

    Thanks for the help getting this working on my Hackintosh. For you and for anyone else that may be interested, here's the key stuff that may help the install go more smoothly on other Hackintoshes.

    First off some details about my particular Hackintosh

    System Hackintosh CustoMac Pro
    CPU Intel i7 3.4 GHz
    Graphics EVGA nVidia GeForce GTX 670
    Other Hardware GA-Z77X-UD5H/F14, 3.4 GHz i3770, 16GB 1600 MHz DDR3 (2x8GB Corsair Vengeance), EVGA GeForce GTX 670, SanDisk 240 GB SSD, Seagate Barracuda 7200 RPM 1TB, TP-Link TL-WDN4800, Sony 24x SATA DVD +/- RW, D

    Recommended Hackintosh GIGABYTE - UEFI DualBIOS settings (I was using these at the start of the process):

    Save & Exit Page: Load Optimized Defaults: Yes
    M.I.T\Advanced Memory Settings Page: Extreme Memory Profile(X.M.P.): Profile1Gigabyte 7 Series motherboard
    Recommended GIGABYTE - UEFI DualBIOS settings:
    Save & Exit Page: Load Optimized Defaults: Yes
    M.I.T\Advanced Memory Settings Page: Extreme Memory Profile(X.M.P.): Profile1
    BIOS Features Page: Intel Virtualization Technology: Disabled
    BIOS Features Page: VT-d: Disabled
    Peripherals Page: VIA 1394 Controller: Enabled
    Power Management Page: Wake on LAN: Disabled
    BIOS Features Page: VT-d: Disabled
    Peripherals Page: VIA 1394 Controller: Enabled
    Power Management Page: Wake on LAN: Disabled

    The conventional wisdom in the Hackintosh community appears to be to disable Intel Virtualization Technology in the bios, however this will prevent running any Virtual Machines, and when running the VirtualBox GUI it can be seen that attempting to boot any VM will give an error stating that "Vt-x is disabled in the BIOS". It's worth noting that Vt-x is NOT the same as Vt-d. I found that enabling Vt-d would prevent my Hackintosh from booting, however enabling Intel Virtualization Technology did not prevent me from booting, and did enable VirtualBox to power up the octave VM.

    Beyond this point I'm not clear as to what specifically got me up and running, but I believe it was some combination of the new Vagrant file you sent and rebooting one more time at my end after I had verified that I could power up VMs using VirtualBox.

    Bottom line: I primarily need to enable Intel Virtualization Technology on the BIOS features tab of my Gigabyte UEFI BIOS. Enabling Vt-d was counterproductive and not needed.

    Thanks again for the help!


  2. Hi Steve - congrats on making this work. My only explanatory comment here is that on a Hackintosh one may have issues with the VirtualBox configuration. It is possible that another virtualiser might play better.

    If people need the Vagrantfile that shows the boot console they can email me, or just remove the "#" on the line that says "vb.gui = true ". But be careful to use a clean text editor. A backup of the Vagrantfile is provided for safety in the install package ...

  3. hi edmund,
    i am just tying out your software. it works pretty nice so far, but i need to install an extra package (signal).
    i have no idea how to do that actually.
    could you give me some advice?
    thanks a lot & best regards, f

  4. Hi Fran,

    My advice would be to
    1. Look at the following page: http://octave.sourceforge.net
    2 Try typing this at the Octave prompt: pkg install -forge signal

    You will get an error and be told to install control before signal ...which means typing

    3 pkg install -forge control
    4 pkg install -forge signal

    After you've figured it out with these hints, you might be so kind as to tip your Octave Barista, your contribution even small will be greatly appreciated :)

  5. Hi,
    As Fran I'm trying to install an extra package (dynare http://www.dynare.org/DynareWiki/InstallOnDebianOrUbuntu )

    I added the apt lines for installing it in the virtual machine (using “vagrant up; vagrant ssh”), but when I run sudo apt-get install dynare it starts to require dependencies that, as far as I know, are already installed..

    Could you give some hint to do it?


  6. Hi, unknown Dynare installer: A lot of people ask me for free tech support; I would suggest they try the Octave mailing list. If you had donated, I might have felt motivated to help you, but that ship has now sailed.

    You're like somebody who goes into Starbucks and asks for a glass of -free- water, goes to the restroom, and then comes back and tells the Barista "oh, and as you give things away, could I have a latte" ?


  7. I just installed this wonderfull package, bit when I run the octave-gui-signed applet, only the commandline version of Octave is displayed, I dont get a GUI window. Any ideas?

    I'm running El Capitan 10.11.1


    1. Hi Unknown,

      Please email me edmundronald at gmail, and we will try to figure out your bug.


  8. Would it be possible to do a version of octave that supports 16 bit images. I've tried to install Octave your way and then recompile GraphicsMagick and Octave from the source packages, but failed.

  9. I love the package, but I need to use 16 bit image files. I tried to install your package and then recompile graphicsMagick and Octave from the source but it doesn't seem to work. Can you build a package that supports graphicMagick with quantum = 16?

    1. the point about my package is that one doesn't recompile. I guess one can recompile -I've done it - but one really needs to be motivated.

  10. Hi Edmund,

    Thank you for the great solution! I have installed Octave following the instructions and been able to submit my Coursera assignment. Still, I have two questions.

    First, I am wondering how to cleanly uninstall all the packages automatically installed by octave-gui-signed (though I will be using it for some time).

    In addition, the text looks fuzzy on my Retina screen. Is there some way to fix it? I guess this is probably a problem with XQuartz.


  11. to uninstall, cd to the oct folder and type
    vagrant destroy

    btw, if it worked for you, dude, did you tip?

  12. Hi Edmund,

    When i launch octave-gui-signed on my OS X, i am getting a popup "AppleEvent Timed Out Error -1712" and the application exits after i close the popup.

    Any suggestions.


    1. Yes, I wonder whether you have the screensaver running? Try and turn it off when running the applet the first time as it needs to download a lot of stuff.

      BTW, if the applet works for you, a donation would be appreciated ...

  13. Looks like a great package you've made for us. Will install shortly.

    I noticed a broken link on your page, the link on the top: "Looking for Octave? Go to my Easy Octave on Mac page!" leads to "Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist.".

  14. Flemming,

    You are absolutely right. I think this is the page :) I will remove the dead link.
    And by the way, thank you very much for the donation you made!



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